WARNING: Query could not be executed; Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'userid' at row 1 (
REPLACE INTO activeusers (ip, lastseen, userid)
VALUES ('', '1739065783', '')

Setup Guide
Setting up your home network is
very important for all types of gaming and internet related
activities. This guide will show you how to setup your
home network for flawless delivery of gaming, security,
and speed.
The diagrams below show the setup of a Linksys Router
configured behind a cable modem. If you have a different
type of router or internet service provider, don't worry.
These basics can be found on all brands of routers (some
consultation with your user manual maybe necessary) and will
work with all types of internet service providers.
This guide is provided as is. We
do not warranty any information, security, or administration
of your home network. We recommend that everyone be familiar
with their gaming environment and deployment before flight
simming for the maximum performance and playability. Don't
be afraid to ask questions on the boards should you need
further assistance.
STEP ONE: Configure a Static LAN Environment.
Backup your router
settings. Most routers will allow
you to backup your current router configuration to
a file on your desktop. We recommend you do this
should you need to revert back to your prior configuration.
Access the router administration
/ setup area. Today's
routers allow for a web browser based setup and configuration.
If you are unsure of how to access this area consult
your user manual. For our example the Linksys setup area
is accessible by opening a browser window to the router
or gateway IP. ( A username and password
are necessary. Default access information and how to
reset your admin access is located in your manual.
Disable the LAN DHCP Protocol. Usually
located on the main setup or basic setup page you will
see two areas. One is your WAN (Wide Area Network) the
part of your network that access the internet through
your cable modem. Do not make any changes to this area,
it's working correctly or you could not see this page
to begin with. The second is the LAN (Local Area Network) "Network Setup" area. Our changes apply to this area.
Find the section to disable the DHCP protocol on your
LAN and select "Disable". You may loose internet
service temporarily, don't worry, complete this setup
and you'll
be fine.
Save The Settings. At
the bottom of the page click the "Save Settings" button
to save your configuration.
Locate and write down your Router Information. Before
continuing locate on this page your Router
IP address and Subnet Mask. Write these down for later
use. Your Router IP will be the IP you used to get to
the configuration and setup utility. For our example
it was (This confusingly can be called your
LAN Gateway, Router Gateway, or Router Local IP Address)
Locate and write down your DNS IP Information. Locate
the "Status" page in the router setup utility and verify
you are on the "Router" tab where the Internet Configuration
Type is viewable. Locate and write down the following
information, we'll need it later, DNS 1 and DNS 2.
ports. Before we leave the router
setup forward the ports we are going to use.
**NOTE** - We assume that the machine running
Flight Sim (Gaming Machine) is set to the
first IP address
( You will see the "101" portion
is needed in port forwarding. It defines
the actual machine we need to
forward the ports to. In our case the 101
is our gaming machine. This is the whole reason
we use static IP
assignment, we need to know that no matter
what order we turn the machines on in the network,
that our gaming
machine will always have the dot 101 IP address.
If you have other applications configured in
your port
forwarding area you will need to make sure
the service listed routes back to the machine
running the application.You
may already have ports forwarded in this
area. If so please add these additional ports
to the page.
**NOTE** -
We assume that there are multiple machines on your
the reason for the router. Each machine in
this network, when we are done with this page, will
have it's own
unique IP address.
Here are the ports we will forward.
(2004) |
- Default
(2004) |
(2004) |
2002 |
2002 |
- 2400
TeamSpeak |
- Default
TeamSpeak |
In the Router Administration
Setup locate the Applications & Gaming tab. Once there verify that you see the Port Range
Forward details. Enter the above information as shown here.
- Save The Settings. At
the bottom of the page click the "Save Settings" button
to save your configuration.
- Exit
the Router Setup Area. Close the browser
STEP TWO - Configure your ethernet adaptors.
Open your Network Connections
Setup. (START > Control Panel > Network
Connections) Double click this icon to open the network
adaptors area in Windows.
Open the Properties Page for
your Local Area Connection. Locate
on the network connections page your Local
Area Connection (Wireless
users will configure the wireless Network). Right
click on the icon or list item and choose "Properties" as
shown below.
Open the Internet Properties TCP / IP Settings. On
the adaptor details page locate the "Internet Properties
TCIP IP" in the list shown, left click once to highlight.
Below and to the right click the "Properties" button
as shown below.
Setup your new LAN IP, Subnet, and DNS Server
Info. Here you will need the information you
wrote down in step 5 and 6 of the router setup above.
Select the radial button in this window to "Use
the following IP Address" Here you will enter the
LAN IP address of the machine. You will also enter
the Subnet and Default Gateway as shown below. **NOTE** You
must configure EACH machine on your network with it's
own IP address. See picture in step 7 of the Router
Configuration titled "Typical Network Configuration"..
Next select the radial button
to "Use the following
DNS server addresses". Enter in the preferred DNS
Server the IP address you wrote down in step 6 of the
Configuration above. Now enter the alternate DNS Server
IP. DNS1 is the same as preferred and DNS2 is the same
as alternate.
Click the OK button to save the changes.
Reboot your machine and you should be back
You must configure each machine on the network
with it's own IP address. ( -
etc) Start at the beginning of this section step 1
to configure each machine on the network. When finished
reboot each machine.
Congratulations, Your Network is Now Configured.
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