Frequently Asked Questions and Help
Here you will find
answers to the most frequently asked questions at West Coast ATC. Our
goal is to provide an ultimate online experience for all our members.
Please feel free to browse this site and use it's ongoing resources.
Member to member help, not related to the site or services, can be found
on the message boards.
Q -
I have lost my password, how
do I reset it?
A - All our passwords are encrypted to protect our
member's personal information. We can not tell you what your password
is, but we can reset the password at your request. Please remember
that your call sign and password are case sensitive. Check to verify
your CAPS LOCK is not turned on. Should you need a password reset please
use the following link to our Password Reset Feature: LOST
need to provide the call sign you're resetting the password
for. For
security reasons we can only reset passwords that belong to the
email address assigned
to the call sign's account. TOP
Q - How can I change
my password?
A - You must be signed into our site to change your
password. Sign in using your call sign and password. On the site's
navigation bar locate the link to your PILOT
locate the area on that page to change your password and follow the
onscreen instructions. TOP
Q - My Password doesn't
work, I'm sure it's correct what do I do?
A - Please remember that your call sign and password
are case sensitive. Check to verify that your CAPS LOCK is not turned
on, then reload the browser window and try again. TOP
Q - Where can I change
my email notification setting?
A - Your email notification setting allows you to
subscribe or unsubscribe from our notification emails regarding upcoming
or important site and user information. If you disable this feature
you will need to stay current with news and events from our site generated
content. To enable or disable your email notification setting use the
following instructions. Sign into our site using your call sign and
password for the call sign or account you wish to change. On the site's
left navigation bar locate the link to your PILOT
START PAGE if you are not already there. Once on the
Pilot Start Page locate the link to change your email notification
setting and click it. You should
now see your receive email options, select your new desired setting
and click save. TOP
Q - How do I change my
email address?
A - To change or update your email address locate
the link on the left navigation bar called PILOT
START PAGE. From that page locate the link to change
your email address and follow the onscreen instruction. TOP
Q - Why do I receive
multiple emails that say the same thing?
A - Our automated email system emails each call sign
or user in our database. If you have signed up for or created more
one call sign we suggest you do the following. Log in to the site under
each of your call signs and turn off the email notification for all
but one of your call sign accounts. You will then only receive one
from us per email generated. :: MORE
:: TOP
Q - What is a call sign?
A - A call sign is the name you are identified by on
our site and in our air traffic control or pylon racing services we
provide. A call sign is something that you choose and should meet the
professional and realistic criteria required to fly in our sessions.
A realistic call sign is defined as any aircraft registry number (Example:
N3402C), or commercial airline flight number (Example UAL1220). If you
wish to accumulate Pilot Pay (TM)
your call sign you sign up with should be exactly the same as the call
sign you use to fly with or plan to join with in our online services.
:: TOP
Q - How do I obtain
a call sign?
A - Use the JOIN
AS PILOT feature on the left navigation bar to create
your own unique call sign. Remember if you plan on taking advantage
of our exclusive Pilot Pay (TM) Member
Rewards System your call sign must be exactly the same on our site
as the call sign you use to fly with. See the above topic, "What
is a call sign?" for more information. :: MORE
:: TOP
Q - Why do I need a
call sign?
A - Call signs are required to log in to our site and
view our member only related material. They allow you to create your
own personal profile, maintain your member related account features,
and keep track of your member reward benefits. Call signs will be required
to join our multi player sessions for Flight Sim and our voice communication
services offered by TeamSpeak (TM).
Use the "Join as Pilot" to the right or click here ::
JOIN NOW :: to
get started, it's free, it's easy, and it's immediate. TOP
Q - How many call signs
can I create on the web site?
A - As many as you need. TOP
Q - Can I combine my
call signs?
A - YES you can. Our exclusive site
design now allows you to group all your accounts together, switch quickly
and effortlessly with this feature
to manage all your accounts and assets. You will need to have two or
more call signs joined and activated on our site to utilize this feature.
Sign in to our website using any of your call signs then use the "SWITCH
CALL SIGN" link located on the top of the navigation bar just
below your logged in call sign listed in bold. You may also click here
view this feature. ::
Additional questions can be asked here: Contact
Us. Please include
your email address, name, and call sign along with your written request.
For security reasons only accounts assigned to
email address you send your request from will be processed. Account
changes may take up to 24 hours to process. TOP
Q - How do I join a
Virtual Airline on the site?
A - You'll need to create a call sign by using the JOIN AS
PILOT feature. Once you've done that with the Virtual
Airlines Identifier like (American = AVA, or Delta = DAL) so you have
a name like DAL1549, you can then use the PILOT
START PAGE available after you're logged in to request to
join a VA. Fill in the subsequent screen and submit your application
and the VA Owner will get back to you with a decision or response. TOP
Q - I want my Virtual
Airline signed up on the site, how do I do that?
A - If you're a Virtual Airline that wants to take
advantage of the member base at West Coast ATC use the JOIN
AS VA button to the left. Please include your Virtual Airline
name and a current URL where we can view your web site. Also include
a short bio about the Virtual Airline. Request are handled on a first
come first serve basis, and are generally processed in 24 hours. TOP
Q - What's the advantage
of being with a Virtual Airline?
A - Virtual Airlines offer more in depth training and
programs for the commercial oriented pilot while other VA's offer a
deeper emersion into private adventure and fun. VA's are a great way
to round out your flying experience. VA's are promoted by their pilots.
The more pilots that fly actively for a VA the more bonus money ends
up in the VA account. All pilots are awarded equally and all VA's are
awarded equally. There's no reason not to join a VA at West Coast ATC.
Q - Can I contact someone about Virtual Airline questions, support,
joining, comments, or general information?
A - Yes. Please use this page to Contact
Q - Can I use material
from the site on my web site?
A - West Coast ATC is glad to support your aviation
related online ventures as long as you follow these simple guidelines.
All material on this site is protected by the terms and conditions
of the site. A
link to the terms and conditions can be found on the bottom of all
pages. You may request from us written permission for use.
Us with your requests.
Please provide a description and if possible exact URL of the object,
text, picture, or other contained item in question. Also provide us
with the URL you plan to use the requested item on. Requests are generally
answered within 72 Hours. West Coast ATC will at it's discretion protect
it's interest to the fullest extent possible. TOP
Q - What information
may I place in my personal profile?
A - Your PROFILE is
for you to share your abilities and interests with other members on
the site. Updating and changing your member profile is accessible
on the PILOT
START PAGE. You may link personal pages, or
groups at your discretion. Be sure to place http://www.yourdomain.com
in your profile to make this feature available. Please remember that
all personal content you publish on our site is governed by the acceptable
use policy in force at West Coast ATC. Content that violates our policy
will be removed and the appropriate resulting actions taken. TOP
Q - What information
is considered against the acceptable use policy.
A - Any reference to harmful, malicious, pornographic,
harvesting, unlawful sites, determined at our discretion. Use your best
judgment when placing public information on our site, remember it is
viewable by everyone. We have a zero tolerance for this type of behavior.
:: TOP
Q - I want to advertise
with West Coast ATC who do I contact?
A - Requests for advertising information can be sent
using the Contact
Us form..Please state the type of promotional material
you wish to submit along with your contact information. Requests are
handled within 24 hours. TOP
Q - What software is
required to fly with West Coast ATC?
A - Our services are compatible with Microsoft (TM)
Flight Sim 2002 and Flight Sim 2004 (FS9). TOP
Q - What software is
required for voice service on West Coast ATC?
A - Our voice service is run on TeamSpeak (TM)
Software. You may download your free copy of the client software at
this address: TEAMSPEAK
Q - Can I connect other
software to West Coast ATC sessions?
A - You may run copies of weather programs, FSNavigator,
and other various add-on software locally on your machine for realism.
We do not require running additional software and we do not support
it's connection to our services. You may however connect add-on software
to our Free Flight Server available twenty four hours a day to all West
Coast ATC Members. TOP
Q - How do I join a
session that is currently running?
A - You must be a registered member of West Coast ATC
to view the system setup documents and Game IP Information. Follow this
URL to read the self help tutorials for setting up your software and
machine to connect to our session. View
the self help pages now. There are three "Read"
labeled buttons on that page that will provide you with detailed information.
Our game IP information can be found by clicking the "I Accept" button
on that page as well. TOP
Q - How do I know who's
flying online?
A - On our sites right navigation bar there is a banner
with the TEAMSPEAK
logo. Clicking that logo will show you who's actively participating. TOP
Q - Can I get help flying
or help with getting setup for your services?
A - Yes. You may post your requests and needs on our
message boards for member to member help or Contact
Q - Do I have to fly
to be a member of your community?
A - No. Some members contribute their abilities by
posting on our message boards, providing files to our library, and
by supporting us from behind the scenes.
Our community is open to all and we welcome your involvement in any
capacity. TOP
Q - What types of files can I upload to the file library?
A - Any file that is aviation related and fits within
one of our index headings. Files that you authored and want to share
with the community
that are aviation related. Files that you have the expressed written
permission from the author or owner
to share publically with others. Files that are already publically
available and do not have any redistribution restrictions. Most
files include a "read me" text document which contains
author contact information
and any restrictions for redistribution. Check there if you're unsure
about a file. TOP
Q - Who can use the file library?
A - All members of our community can use the file
library to upload or download files. TOP
Q - Do I have to be a flying member to use the file library?
A - No, but you must have an active West Coast ATC
account to access the file library services. Click here :: JOIN
NOW :: to get started, it's free, it's
easy, and it's immediate. TOP
Q - Is there a file size limit for the file library?
A - Yes, but we almost guarantee that all files will
fall below the limit. TOP
Q - Can I link to a file I upload?
A - Yes, you can link to the download page on our
site. Direct links commonly known as "deep links" to the
file itself are not available. TOP
Q - How do I know when
sessions are running or planned?
A - Our calendar is available to anyone to view. A
link to the calendar is prominently placed on our left navigation bar
labeled CALENDAR.
The automated flight service announcement on our main page shows the
current status of our sessions. Some events are not planned and are
spur of the moment. A quick check of our site will tell you immediately
what's available to you and you're welcome to check as often as you
like. TOP
Q - How do I know what
time the session is on my local time?
A - Clock conversions are supplied in two places.
On the calendar and the CLOCKS page. TOP
Q - What are the PROPS
Racing Events on the calendar?
Racing is part of West Coast ATC and they support pylon
racing for our race pilots. PROPS Racing requires special files and
setup prior
to joining their sessions. PROPS Racers must read the detailed self
help information, and have a confirmed race qualified machine. All
must contact the Race Director via email to join the race roster at
the following email address: gary.o@westcoastatc.com.
- What ports do I need to open on my router or firewall?
A - Here is a list of the ports necessary to be opened
for both inbound and outbound traffic thru your router or firewall.
More help is available on our member message boards inside the web site.
A network setup guide is located here :: CLICK
Our FSHost Services using the standard Flight Simulator Multiplayer
require these ports to be open in your firewall or forwarded in your
router. TOP
/ TCP |
Inbound/Outbound |
(2004) |
- Default |
Both |
(2004) |
6073 |
Both |
(2004) |
2302-2400 |
Both |
2002 |
47624 |
Both |
2002 |
- 2400 |
Both |
Both |
TeamSpeak |
- Default |
Both |
TeamSpeak |
1024-65535 |
Both |
Q - What am I doing
wrong I can't find the sessions in Flight Sim?
A - You may not be doing anything wrong. You may have
a firewall enabled and not even know it. Check your XP Firewall, Nortens
Firewall / Anti virus, McAfee Firewall, Zone Alarm, Black Ice Defender
to name a few. Make sure they are allowing traffic on the above ports
or configured correctly. For optimal performance of your machine we
suggest you disable all "software" firewalls and make sure
your hardware firewalls / routers have the correct port forwarding
to your gaming machine. More information is available on our Message
Boards. TOP
Q - Will I get
disconnected if I'm not configured properly?
A - Yes. In fact you will cause others to loose their
connection if you're not configured correctly for our sessions. You
may request member to member help on the message boards for more information
on setting up your machine. TOP
Q - Is there
a way to check if my machine is configured correctly?
A - Yes. FSPortTest can check your configuration and
is available here: FSPORTTEST TOP
Q - How do I sign up
to be an air traffic controller?
A - We value each of our applicants and take the professionalism
of our services seriously. Not all applicants will be selected for
interviews. To sign up to be a controller use the JOIN AS CONTROLLER button
on the main left navigation bar. Sign up with a call sign that represents
the area you're looking control (example: KZSE Seattle Center).
Fill out the required contact information and take a short ability
test. It's fast easy and it's fun. TOP
Q - How old
do I have to be to be a controller?
A - While we have made exceptions in the past our base
guideline is 18 years of age or older. We look at each applicant on
a case by case basis. TOP
Q - How will
I know if I've been selected as an air traffic controller?
A - If you're selected for the next interview process
you will be emailed directly from one of our staff members. TOP
Q - May I reapply
at a later date if I don't get accepted the first time?
A - Yes. We request you wait a minimum of six months
to reapply. TOP
Q - What software
is required to be an air traffic controller?
A - A licensed copy of FSNavigator. A fully installed
version of Flight Simulator 2002 or 2004. An installed version of the
TeamSpeak client voice software. Those three pieces of software are
the total requirement. TOP
Q - What is the minimum
number of sessions I can run per month?
A - Our controllers run their own schedule, you will
not be required to control a minimum amount of sessions. Our controllers
know that being consistent and active keeps your traffic count up and
your skills honed. TOP
Q - Can I contact someone about joining the ATC Team or about ATC
related comments or concerns?
A - Yes. Please send all ATC related questions through
the Contact
Us form. TOP
- Is Pilot Training and Education available at West Coast ATC?
A - Yes. Pilot Training has always been an important focus
of our community. We are nearing the completion and release of the
program designed to accomodate the newest pilot to the most experienced
aviator. More detailed information can be found here. TOP
- Can I join the education program as a student?
A -
Yes. When the training program is complete it will have it's own
area of the site dedicated solely to education and training.
You'll be able to see available courses and sign up to attend upon
it's release. TOP
Q - Can I join the education program as an instructor?
A - Yes. If you're interested in becoming an instructor you'll want
to contact our University Director. You may do so by sending an email
along with your interests to the contact information below. TOP
Q - How do I contact the Education and Training Division?
A - Questions concerning joining as a pilot or instructor, general
comments, and other support related issues can be sent in using the Contact
Us form. TOP
Q - Is the Military Operations Division currently active?
A -
Not yet. TOP
Q - Is the Militay Division currently accepting applications for command
positions and development officers?
A - Yes. You may email the Military Director along with your
interests and talents to the below contact information. TOP
Q - How do I contact the Military Operations Director?
A -
Questions concerning joining the command structure, general comments, and
other support
related comments can be sent in using the Contact
Us Form. TOP
© Copyright 2003 - 2010 WestCoastATC.com
All Rights Reserved